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Cowley, Bissler Polycystic Kidney Disease

Translating Mechanisms into Therapy

ISBN: 978-1-4939-7782-6

Auflage: 1st Ed.

Erscheinungsdatum: Mai 2018

Einband: Hardcover

Seitenzahl: 273 p.

Illustrationen: 42 ill.

Verlag: Springer

Lieferzeit ab Ihrer Bestellung: 2-14 Tage je nach Lieferbarkeit und Verlag


  • Provides a comprehensive review of PKD mutations, pathophysiologic mechanisms of PKD, renal and extrarenal manifestations of PKD, clinical trials and emerging therapies in PKD, and appropriate management of patients with PKDWritten by top professionals in the field 
  • Well-illustrated resource serves both clinician and researcher

This comprehensive guide to polycystic kidney disease captures the growing knowledge of this common, potentially-fatal and hereditary disease.  The first two sections of the book provide an overview of PKD gene structures, mutations and pathophysiologic mechanisms. This is followed by chapters focused on PKD’s clinical features, including renal and extrarenal manifestations, and appropriate management of patients.  The final section covers current clinical trials and emerging therapies in PKD.  Authored by experts in the field, this book provides the clinician and researcher with critical information on basic and translational science and clinical approaches in one concise resource.